Holzhandwerker/in EFZ Fachrichtung Drechslerei
Woodturners make toys, bowls, egg cups, candlesticks, jewelry, lamp bases, small furniture and recorders. Their speciality are products with curves, bent or curved shapes. For the production of larger series, they set up automatic machines accordingly and work industrially. Sometimes, however, they also carry out handicraft work.
Ausführliche Beschreibung / Freie Lehrstellen
Bildungsplan, Verordnung und Begleitende Massnahmen
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Holzbildhauer/in EFZ
Wood sculptors carve a variety of products. Often these are single pieces, but now and then also smaller and larger series. Figurative: animals, people, figures for Christmas cribs; articles for souvenir stores, ornaments, coats of arms, reliefs, period furniture, inscriptions, utensils, as well as decorative and artistic objects: Frames, wooden bowls, sculptures, etc. They also often undertake restoration work in churches and on other old carvings. They usually receive an order directly from the customer, which they handle from A to Z themselves. They design the piece, make a model if necessary, procure the necessary wood and material and finish the work. The rough form is made with the help of machines. The detailed elaboration is for the most part pure handwork. The work varies between handicraft and art, sometimes even art.
Ausführliche Beschreibung / Freie Lehrstellen
Bildungsplan, Verordnung und Begleitende Massnahmen
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Korb- und Flechtwerkgestalter/in EFZ
Wickerworkers weave wickerwork and produce woven objects, such as furnishings or decorative items, woven parts for objects (seats for chairs, etc.) or privacy screens for the garden. Mostly their order is a one-off, but besides that they also make objects in smaller and larger series. They work with natural materials such as rattan, willow, rushes, cords, but they also make wickerwork from synthetic materials. Their tasks always include repairing and restoring wickerwork, rattan furniture and other wickerwork. Basket and wickerwork designers work in their own studios. Often they also offer courses in their own studio or take over courses at a course center. They can also work as workshop managers in workshops or homes for the disabled.
Ausführliche Beschreibung / Freie Lehrstellen
Bildungsplan, Verordnung und Begleitende Massnahmen
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Holzhandwerker/in EFZ Fachrichtung Weissküferei
Weissküfer/innen make the traditional equipment for the alpine dairy, such as butter churns, milk buckets, Tansen, Gebsen, milking chairs, Tragref etc. from native woods. This also includes modern individual wooden items for the kitchen and living area. Gifts for honors and sporting events are also made and carved.
Ausführliche Beschreibung / Freie Lehrstellen
Bildungsplan, Verordnung und Begleitende Massnahmen
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Küfer/in EFZ
Coopers make and repair various wooden vessels for agriculture and wine production. In particular, round and oval barrels with very different capacities for wine vinification. To do this, they require a high level of expertise in the ingredients of the woods in order to match them optimally to the wine to be stored. The maintenance and repair work on the barrels is usually carried out on site in the cellars. Coopers also have knowledge of the pressing and care of wines. Coopers work in a coopers' workshop or in a wine-pressing or wine-trading company.
Ausführliche Beschreibung / Freie Lehrstellen
Bildungsplan, Verordnung und Begleitende Massnahmen
Portrait Schweizermacher
Video Berufsporträt

School education
School education takes place in block courses in the Schule für Holzbildhauerei Brienz.

Continuing education
Schule für Gestaltung Bern und Biel HF Produktdesign
Gestalter/in im Handwerk

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